Saturday, November 19, 2011

Carlo Creek

This post is for Scenic Sunday.

Carlo Creek is only 3 Kms from Rainbow Beach, but where Rainbow Beach overlooks the ocean Carlo Creek is on the Sandy Strait - the waterway which comes inland behind Fraser Island and south to Cooloola Cove. There is a marina at Carlo Creek and a boat launch for private boats. This is also the place where off-shore fishing charter boats leave for their trip up the Strait and out the channel between Inskip Point and Fraser island. It is also a very convenient place for the start of kayaking trips to several of the shorebird roosting sites.


  1. Looks like a paradise to me, wonderful photos. The scenery is gorgeous. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Happy Scenic Sunday!

  2. That is absolutely gorgeous!!! Lovely weather for this time of year:)

  3. Warm and exotic! I'd love to be there today. :)
