I am especially pleased to see a sign like this because when I retired up here about 12 years ago I had difficulty in finding any local knowledge about the wetlands and especially the shorebirds. I was hoping to just enjoy my retirement but I also wanted to know some details about this area - which was totally new to me. I read books, bought a kayak and started exploring. I soon discovered I needed a camera with a zoom lens and so bought a point and shoot with the best zoom I could afford! What I discovered was beautiful and not like anything I had seen before. I shared what I was finding with anyone who would listen! I bought better cameras - (I am now into my second DSLR and a couple of good long lenses.) I also got to know some of the Parks and Wildlife officers. This is a huge area and no-one can be expected to see or know it all so I coaxed some of these Parks people out with me during their free time. I also told them that anything they could do to protect the shorebirds and make more people aware of them would be great!...And please, let me know if they could use my photos for this! This sign about the shorebirds is the result! I am very happy to think that I have helped to accomplish something like this in my retirement. Oh yes! Parks credits me with the photos and thanks me for what I have accomplished. That is certainly the "icing on the cake"!!
Here is the the shorebirds part of the sign.
The only shorebirds to be found was a group of nearly 30 Pied Oystercatchers sheltering in the curve of the bay.