Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Great Sandy Strait Shorebird Counts

A very hurried post as I just want to record as soon as possible that this has been a very important week-end for shorebird counts in the Great Sandy Strait. It is four years since there has been a full count of all shorebird roosts in our area. We simply do not have enough counters. The QWSG (Queensland Wader Study Group) organized counters and transport and all the roosts have now been counted again. We 'locals' are grateful to all the folks who came from considerable distances away to make this week-end a success.
I joined with a couple of the visitors - a delightful husband and wife team with such energy and enthusiasm! - and now know where to find one more important roost in the local area. It is a wide shallow bay which we reached by pushing through quite dense undergrowth. Next time, however, I will definitely go in the kayak! These are photos of the bay and the mangroves where most of the birds were found. Please notice the depth of water an intrepid birder will wade through in order to get close enough to count birds!


  1. Hi Mick looks deep enough for the kayak to me, let us know when you plan to check it out maybe we can join you for the day.

  2. That thigh deep, you definitely need the kayak.

  3. Hi Mick! That is pretty exciting. Wonderful you were able to get a complete count. The kayak would be more efficient, no doubt, but you'd miss out on another fantastic photo op! I love seeing photos of intrepid birders in thigh-high water--especially with a tripod. Looks like you had fun with all the hard work.

  4. That was some serious bird counting. Well done to all involved.

    Just how do you count large quantities of moving birds. Count a group and estimate the total from the number of similar sized groups?

    I have enough problems counting the birds at my feeders as they refuse to stay still for long enough.
