Monday, April 1, 2019

Worth waiting for!

I moved up here to live here just over 15 years ago,  One of the first things I started to do was plant a garden. I wanted lots of greenery around my house.  Some of the first things I planted were strelitzia - commonly called Bird of Paradise.  The first one I planted was the orange flowered one - strelitzia reginae - but the plant I put in did not do so well so I got another couple of plants and put them in a different part of the garden  I also bought the blue flowered one - strelitzia nicolai. This is a very tall plant and it has done well but I seldom get to enjoy the flowers because some of the honey-eating birds such as the Blue-faced Honeyeaters - love it and tear the flowers apart. It must have lots of nectar! All the strelitzia reginae have kept growing but never a sign of a flower. I admit I am not a great gardener - once a plant is growing I just leave it alone! As I drove down my driveway the other day I noticed a splash of orange. After nearly 15 years there was a flower. I took photos that first day but thought it was not as good as I expected. A couple of days later it had opened up further .  Definitely worth waiting for!!

For more pics from around our world go to Our World Tuesday.


  1. Worth waiting for, for sure! Its beautiful and exotic looking (kind of like your flying birds actually)... Paradise!

  2. Lovely. Wish I could have exotic looking flowers like that in my garden.

  3. Such lovely looking flowers. Super colours too. By the way - April Fool.

  4. They are the most exotic of flowers. Lucky you being able to grow them. Hope you don't have to wait another 15 years for the next flower.

  5. Hello, it is a lovely flower. I have seen them growing in more tropical areas. I wish I could grow them in my yard, it is too cold here. Lovely images. Happy Monday, enjoy your day! Wishing you a great new week ahead!

  6. Glad your labor was rewarded with this beautiful flower. I have this in my garden on a pot and thankfully it has flowered last year.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  7. I love bird of paradise - that 2nd shot is amazing.

  8. I have one in my yard. It bloomed heavily for a while. Now, one blossom now & then. The guy in the nursery told me to thin it out. ME? HOW?

    Beautiful images. I would love to see the one with BLUE...never knew about them 'til now.

  9. such a beautiful flower...
    have a great day

  10. A lovely capture - so pleased your efforts were wonderfully rewarded!

  11. It was a long wait, but it is a beauty.
