Thursday, October 9, 2008

Esk Birding

I went to visit relatives in Esk the other day and spent quite a bit of time running out to the backyard as I heard different bird calls. It is a totally different environment from where I live and a chance to see some different birds. The garden was full of flowers and the air was heavily perfumed. Very beautiful!
The big silky oak tree next door was coming into flower – a very beautiful sight. Most of the flowers were still up high so it was hard to see any but the larger birds. I saw Rainbow Lorikeets, Noisy Friarbirds, and – very briefly – Brown Honeyeaters.
There was another tree next door which was still getting its leaves and it made it easy to see the small birds. The Striated Pardalotes were there again. (See my post of July 2) They are such inquisitive little birds.
The best sighting for the day was the Double-barred Finch. Previously I had only had brief views of this bird and no photos.


  1. A nice collection Mick. We have an avenue of silky oaks here, 70 years old, and the council is going to rip them out because "they have failed to thrive" I'll miss their flowers.

  2. Hi Duncan, that avenue of Silky Oaks must be great and too bad council has decided to take them out. Would it just be the drought that has made them less than their best?

  3. I like the Double-barred Finches. I used to see them regularly many years ago,

  4. Two birds people expect at Tyto but won't see, though pardalotes on rare occasion seem to be atop nearby paperbarks. Ingham Double-barreds stick to the coast.

  5. Hi Mosura and Tony. I think I was very lucky to see both of those in the back yard.

  6. Mick.
    Variety is the spice .....
    I get none of those birds where I am. Too wet for Double-bars. I do get Red-brows, though, which are cute, but not as sylish as the DBs.

  7. Hi Denis, yes its great to have some variety. I guess that's part of the enjoyment of reading other people's blogs too.
