I know very little about golf and my only sight of the golf course at Tin Can Bay has been as I drove by on the road. However, when someone told me that I could see Bush Stone-curlew (Burhinus grallarius) there nearly every day I had to get a closer look. I contacted Mike Clifford who is a member of the committee of the Country Club and he told me it would be OK to go and look as long as we were not there at a time when there were golfers wanting to play. He also said he would show us where the birds could usually be found.
The golf club is beautiful! It was early in the morning and there were birds walking around where later on there would be golfers. Mike led us to the curlews right away. I concentrated on photographing the birds and Janet looked at the bigger picture and got some great pictures of the golf course.
Tin Can Bay Country Club Golf Course

The curlews were in some longer grass under the trees. Some were standing quietly in the shade of the trees and others were sitting down almost hidden in the grass. Their colouring makes them very hard to see in this habitat. They only moved when we got too close. When I wondered why they were not disturbed by all the people around later in the day, Mike reminded me that golfers do try to stay away from the trees. Of course!